• Jenkins notes

    As part of my DevOps work, maintain Jenkins infra and Jenkins itself healthy is one of my responsabilities. In this post I want to write down some of the things I do from time to time and I always forgot on how to do them. [Read More]
  • First time in Fedora

    I’ve just started using Fedora. I was always an Ubuntu user (or variations like Lubuntu or Kubuntu). So Iǘe recently discovered lots of things that could help you if you’re starting running Fedora or one of its spins. [Read More]
  • Write a Jekyll post from Android

    If you are like me, that your phone is the center of your life, working from your phone is very important for you. But you also want to share with everyone all the things you have learned today. To do that, you’ve created a Jekyll site as a Github Page... [Read More]